Mindfulness in your

Meditation at school makes for more calmness and a higher ability to concentrate. With our School Package for Teachers, you'll get a plan for how to use Aumio in the classroom.

In der Krippe & Kita​

Ruhepause leicht gemacht​

Erhalte kostenfreien Zugang zu Geschichten, Meditationen und Klängen - als Inspiration für den Morgenkreis oder zum Schlafen in der Mittagsruhe. Alle Inhalte sind von Psycholog:innen entwickelt und liebevoll, kindgerecht gestaltet. Mit dabei: Ein PDF mit passenden Aumio Inhalten zum Ausdrucken.​

In der Schule

Klassenklima stärken​

Meditation im Klassenzimmer sorgt für mehr Ruhe und eine bessere Konzentrationsfähigkeit. Mit unserem Schulpaket für Lehrkräfte erhältst du einen Plan, wie du Aumio im Unterricht verwenden kannst.​

Why Aumio at school?

Improving attention

A regular practice of mindfulness enables children to sustain attention longer and strengthens their ability to concentrate. Proven.

Strengthening the class atmosphere & more calm

Students deal with their own emotional state and those of their classmates. Meditation promotes their own empathy and compassion.

High data protection

Children do not need an account for Aumio, which means no email address and no password. The best way to protect data is to not collect any data at all.

Content available offline

Exercises can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet before the class begins. They are then available offline. Which means you can use Aumio even if you don’t have an internet connection.

Sustainable health.
From an early age.

At Aumio, we believe that mental health should be considered from an early age on. With the methods taught by Aumio, children can strengthen the awareness of their mental and physical well-being. In doing so, children help themselves in the here and now and learn for the future. Because sustainable well-being requires the right preventive care, for all of us.